The App In Action
For your students, it’s mental health services at their fingertips. For counselors, it’s rapid communication and insights into student progress
The app puts care coordination services at your students’ fingertips and provides real-time updates on their progress. After completing a brief assessment on their phone, students learn to:
- Identify and record their feelings
- Manage their symptoms
- Access community resources
- Establish and achieve goals
Students learn about the most commonly diagnosed behavioral health problems and how they can begin to manage symptoms.
Self-assessments allow students to define what they are experiencing and gain insight into common behavioral health problems.
Students engage with the app to identify problem areas and successes, allowing their counselors to track progress and identify any new triggers they are experiencing.
Students and parents can use the app to find vetted mental health resources in their community. A series of robust filters allows them to locate those that are specific to their needs.
How MI PEACE supports a comprehensive school mental health system
Core Features of Comprehensive School Mental Health System
MI PEACE Features
Family-School-Community Collaboration and Teaming
- Action Plans
- Social Services Directory
Mental Health Screening
- Valid and Reliable Mental Health Screener
Evidence-Based Practices
- Evidence-based strategies embedded in action plans
Mental Health Promotion Services and Supports
- Learn Screens
- Digital Mental Health Tools
Treatment Services and Supports
- Action Plans
- Digital Mental Health Tools
Needs Assessment and Resource Mapping
- Social Services Directory
Documenting Impact with Data
- Mental Health Screener
- Measurement-based care
- Progress monitoring with run charts
- School Mental Health Dashboards
- Number of students served using app
- Global snapshot of feelings
- Number of cases by stage of care coordination
- Behavioral health disorders reported
- ACEs reported
“MI PEACE has made an enormous difference for some of our students; it’s a technology they are familiar with and a tool they enjoy using.”